Useful Information

The subjects we offer at sixth form are tailored to you based on the subjects you have studied in your GCSEs and vocational courses, as we want to provide you with suitable routes for progression. Once you have successfully completed your chosen sixth form courses the qualifications you have gained will give you access to university, further education, advanced modern apprenticeships and employment.


We want all our sixth form students to be aware of the choice of opportunity their qualifications will give them. So very early on we start to actively encourage them to think about what careers they are interested in and how to achieve them. They all receive a careers interview in Year 12 and Year 13.

We extend our Enrichment Programme in the Summer term of Year 12 to look at all the Post-18 options available. As a result every student will get the chance to visit local universities, attend open days, participate in taster days and hear from a range of guest speakers from real working environments.




In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after six form, we use Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform. All students in Years 12 and 13 now have access to this excellent website.

The Unifrog platform is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own personal account that provides a wide range of information related to their interests and aspirations.  Key features of the platform include:


  • Exploring Pathways – personality quizzes, career and subject profiles, MOOCs and webinars
  • Recording – self-reflection about extracurricular activities and key employability skills
  • Opportunities – search tools showing live vacancies/courses/placements for apprenticeships, universities (in the UK and abroad), FE, virtual work experience and much more
  • Applications – tools to help students build applications for a range of pathways (e.g., CVs, Personal Statements, Common App Essays)


We have also set up a parent login so that you can use Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to support your child throughout the process. Please contact the sixth form for details.

For up to date information on careers, help on your future choices, finding a job, completing CVs and more see Connexions.


Student Learning Agreement

Post 16 education is voluntary so it is important that you make a full commitment to achieving success on your chosen courses. This Learning Agreement is drawn up to give you the best opportunity for success.

  • Display their ID card and lanyard at all times on site.
  • Respect the catholic ethos of the school.
  • Maintain a minimum of 97% attendance for the academic year (i.e 6 days of authorised absence only).
  • 100% attendance and punctuality to timetabled subject lessons, Independent study lessons, morning registration (8:40am), Personal Development Time, Core RE, Enrichment, Masses and Assemblies.
  • Complete all Independent Study tasks, homework and coursework set by staff and hand them in to meet deadlines issued by staff.
  • Inform and seek advice from your subject teacher, tutor, Head of Year or Head of Sixth Form if you are having difficulties with any aspect of your studies.
  • Accept a shared responsibility with others in the Sixth Form for good conduct in school and for careful upkeep of Sixth Form areas.
  • Adopt a sensible, mature attitude in relationships with staff.
  • Accept a general responsibility for giving leadership and example to younger pupils and fellow students.
  • Wear the Sixth Form Dress Code appropriately.
  • Limit part-time work to 10 hours per week
  • To not take holidays during term-time; this includes festivals. Holidays will not be authorised in term-time unless under exceptional circumstances agreed by the Head Teacher in advance.
  • Abide by all school regulations.
  • Follow signing in/out procedures in line with Health and Safety Regulations to safeguard yourself, fellow students and pupils in the school.
  • Abide by the driving and parking restrictions on site and in the local area. Students are not permitted to park on site.
  • A pass must be achieved in all courses in Year 12 in order to progress to Year 13.

School Agreement

The school agrees to:

  • Provide teaching and homework for all subjects throughout the academic year.
  • Provide you with a tutor who will meet with you to discuss your academic and personal progress in the Sixth Form.
  • Provide you with Modular Assessment Data so you can monitor your progress.
  • Provide Parental Reports on academic progress in the Sixth Form.
  • Provide information and advice on Post-18 Options; Employment, Further and Higher Education including UCAS and careers information.
  • Provide enrichment opportunities for extra-curricular involvement.
  • Safeguard all pupils and students.

Sixth Form Privileges

These Privileges are only available to Sixth Form students as long as they adhere to this Learning Agreement:

  • Sixth Form Area – Students may use this area socialising or work during non-contact lessons. You may use mobile phones in this area.
  • Lunchtime – Sixth Formers may sign out and leave the school during lunchtimes.
  • Laptops – Students have ICT access
  • Saints’ Cafe and The Street may be used may be used for quiet work or discussion during non-contact lessons.
  • Sign out to study at home for afternoons that have no timetabled lessons.

Unacceptable Conduct

  • Failing to abide by school rules.
  • Contravening the obligations of the Student Agreement (above).
  • Leaving or Entering the school without signing out/in.
  • Smoking/Vaping on the school site.
  • Allowing visitors on site without staff permission.
  • Using mobile phones and headphones etc. in lessons, in the cafe or around the school site.
  • Acting irresponsibly in the Sixth Form area.
  • Bringing the reputation of the Sixth Form into disrepute.

As a Sixth Form student, I have made a clear choice to continue my education at school. This choice involves obligations from both me and the school. I agree to uphold these obligations.

Parents must notify the college of each day of absence by email or telephone on 0191 456 9121

Any absence not validated within five days will be deemed unauthorised and may have an impact on attendance, which is used for references.

Communication is mostly done electronically through email and text message and therefore we need to have up to date mobile numbers/email addresses for students and parents/carers. By signing this agreement, you give permission to be contacted using the details you provide.

Sixth Form Dress Code

We have high standards of dress code at St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form. It is important that you, as a St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form student take pride in yourself and in our school. 

The dress code is based on smart, business dress and Students will be provided with a lanyard which MUST be worn at all times


  • Smart, dress trousers / knee length skirt / dress (no tight ‘Body Con’ / Lycra / stretch type material)
  • Single colour V – Neck jumper or cardigan (optional), No slogan jumpers/sweatshirts.
  • Shirt / blouse
  • Smart shoes (Not trainers or plimsolls)
  • Jacket – of own choosing (no denim, leather or hoodies)
  • Subtle make-up may be worn 


  • A watch
  • A ring
  • One pair of stud earrings
  • No facial piercings


Extreme haircuts (tramlines, patterns, ‘V’ cuts, Steps or unnatural colours are not acceptable)

For formal occasions, at the request of the Headteacher:

White shirt

Black skirt / trousers

Post 16 St Columba tie – provided

All students are treated equally and fairly; if they breach any part of our uniform policy, then they will be offered an appropriate alternative provided by the school or be sent home to change. We will do this to ensure that all our pupils take pride in their appearance. We wish our students to demonstrate their commitment to their education at St Wilfrid’s by conforming and wearing the dress as prescribed in the policy.

If a student fails to adhere to this dress code then by the school or sent home in order to change their attire to something which is more appropriate, before returning to their studies.



16-19 Bursary

Bursary payments will be made for any essential items that you need in order to become successful at Sixth Form.

This may include:

  • Books, resources, stationery, materials needed for your subjects.
  • Fieldtrip funding.
  • Open day at university funding for travel / accommodation if required.
  • UCAS payments.
  • Travel to and from Sixth Form.
  • Lunch money.
  • Sixth Form clothing and footwear.
  • Any other item you deem necessary to access Sixth Form.  Please speak to Mrs. Forster or your Head Of Year if you are unsure whether it is covered under the bursary fund before purchasing this.

Please note, these should be essential items only, not luxury items.  
for example:

  • Travel to university open days should be using trains / cars / other public transport, but not first class.
  • Designer clothing is not essential for sixth form, so will not be reimbursed.  
  • Hoodies/  leggings / joggers etc are not in Sixth Form dress code so will not be reimbursed.
  • Laptops will be given to you from school for the duration of your course, please speak to us if you require one.  You wont be reimbursed for these if you buy your own.
  • Since you have full access to printing in school,  printers will not be reimbursed.

What you’ll get

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursary:

  • A bursary for students in vulnerable groups​.
  • A discretionary bursary.

Bursary for students in vulnerable groups

  • You could get a bursary worth up to £1,200 if at least one of the following applies:
  • You’re in or recently left local authority care.
  • You get Income Support or Universal Credit because you’re financially supporting yourself.
  • You get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit.
  • You get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and either ESA or Universal Credit.
  • The amount you may get depends on the costs you have and what you need for your course. This might include money for books, equipment or travel costs to school.  Additional funding can be applied for to cover study trips or travel for university interviews.
  • You will need to provide evidence to confirm your eligibility such as a benefit letter.

Discretionary bursary

You could get a discretionary bursary if you need financial help but do not qualify for a bursary for students in vulnerable groups. 

The school will decide how you get your bursary. You might get: 

  • an instalment paid by cash, cheque or bank transfer
  • things like a travel pass, free meals or books
  • one-off payments to cover study trips or travel for university interviews

Travel only: costs will be paid in full via the cheapest form of transport, for any student where the annual household income is less than £35,562.  Students must live more than half a mile away from school.  Students must show evidence of relevant benefit or proof of household income and evidence of bank account details.

Students/Parents can also apply for free meal costs where the parent(s)/carer(s) are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (Income Based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
  • Pension Credit (Minimum Guarantee)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit, provided they have an annual income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190. (Working Tax Credit is not eligible for free meal costs).
  • Students living in a low-income household – household income below average regional salary of £35,562.

If you’re over 19, you’ll only be eligible for a discretionary bursary.

In assessing whether you are eligible for the discretionary bursary, we will need to consider your individual circumstances and will need to know your family income – the application form details the evidence you need to provide.

How to claim

Apply using the application form. Take care to fill in completely and to provide evidence if claiming the bursary for vulnerable students, and provide evidence of your family income.

To apply for either Bursary you will need to complete the attached application form and provide supporting evidence. 

If you are applying for the Vulnerable Bursary then you only need to complete Part A of the application.  You will need to provide documentary evidence of your circumstances such as a letter from your Care Worker or proof of your entitlement to Income Support.

Travel costs will only be paid where the student has to travel more than half a mile to school.  All travel costs will be paid via bank transfer.

All evidence required in support of your application, must be passed to Mrs Forster in a sealed envelope.  Evidence of relevant benefit should be no more than 2 months old with the exception of Child Tax Credit/Working Tax Credit where a full copy of the award notice for 2024 needs to be provided.  Evidence should be supplied as photocopies.

Incomplete applications cannot be processed and will be returned to the applicant.  Applicants will receive written correspondence confirming the outcome of their application.  If you have any questions about the outcome then please contact Mrs Forster (Assistant Headteacher – Lead for Sixth Form) to discuss your application.  

Any change of details must be notified immediately to school, such as change of address/bank details.

When to apply

Apply as soon as possible or apply if your circumstances change during the year meaning you are now eligible.