
Year 12 students will take part in an Enrichment Programme. They have a range of options which they choose to participate in over the course of the year tailored to their core aims.

Typical types of activity (but not limited to) are listed below:-

Sports Leadership Qualification

Students will gain a Level 3 Qualification in Sports Leadership, which carries 16 additional UCAS points to support in university applications.  Moreover, we know there are life-changing benefits for young people who participate in sports and physical activity. They tell us about the increase in their confidence, resilience, and the overall improvement to both their physical and mental health.  With Sports Leadership, we have the chance to use sports and physical activity as a way of supporting learners to develop the essential skills they need to plan, develop and deliver activities that bring these benefits to their communities.  This qualification offers a blend of theory and practical experience, giving learners multiple opportunities to put into practice the leadership skills they develop as part of the programme.


Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award

A life-changing experience. An opportunity to have fun with friends. A chance to discover new interests and talents. A tool to develop essential skills for life and work. A recognised mark of achievement, respected by employers. The DofE is many things to many people, supporting generations to successfully navigate life.  This programme will take 18 months to complete throughout your time at Sixth Form and comprises of, volunteering, the skill section, physical section, a residential and the expedition. For more information about this opportunity, please see their website:  https://www.dofe.org/ 



EPQ is an A-level standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop your students’ abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career.  Students willo achieve a qualification worth half an A-Level (28 UCAS points).   By taking responsibility for the choice, design and decision making of an individual project (or an individual role in a group project) students:

  • become more critical, reflective and independent learners
  • develop and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • increase their planning, research, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and presentation skills
  • learn to apply technologies confidently
  • demonstrate creativity, initiative and enterprise.


MOOCs don’t always lead to formal qualifications, but they do mean you can gain knowledge in all sorts of areas – whether you want to support your career or you’re exploring personal interests.


Students complete a certified course in RE that develops their moral and ethical awareness of the world in which they live. This is a national requirement of Post – 16 educations.

School Prefect and Subject Ambassadors

We take pride in the fact that our Sixth Form students are the role models for our younger school students.  As a Sixth Form school prefect you will be visible in the lower school, inspiring and informing the younger students about what life is like at Sixth Form and sharing your experiences and advice on how to choose subjects at Sixth Form and supporting them in making informed decisions about career opportunities.  You will model what it means to be a “Wilfie” and demonstrate our school ethos in taking an active role within our school community.  You will share your experiences of your subject and share your expertise about this subject area to inspire the prospective students at open evenings and taster days.  There will be an opportunity to set up a Society of your choice to share your passion

Humanities club 

The primary purpose of the Humanities Club is to provide a platform for students who are either pursuing or are interested in arts and humanities. The club encourages the students to be actively involved in activities related to Literature, Psychology, Journalism, Political Science, Economics and Sociology.  The various activities conducted by this club include the regular publication of our school journal, photography exhibition and competitions,  presentations and debates, involvement in humanitarian activities, movie screening and movie review, short movie/ video making competitions.

Sixth Form Committee Member

The Sixth Form committee is an essential link between students and staff.  Led by the student leadership team, it ensures that the ideas, opinions and concerns of students are known and taken into account. It also recognises that students have a right to be actively involved in decisions that affect them. The committee consists of elected representatives from each tutor group in year 12 and 13. Members of the committee represent the views of their form and can raise matters of concern, or suggestions for improvement about any aspects of life in the Sixth Form. Members of the committee take responsibility for different departments, such as charity, social events, mental health, enrichment and culture. We are looking forward to welcoming more students to join the committee!

At the same time students will be encouraged to get involved with a range of enrichment activities throughout the school year.

Community Placement

Students have an opportunity to complete a placement of your choice at a local primary school, in-class support or at Help the Aged.


Peer Mentor

Students have a chance to receive top quality training and guidance to become a Peer Mentor for pupils in school. This can be in a subject area of choice or it could include supporting students with their reading, handwriting or completion of homework.