Sixth Form Dress Code

We have high standards of dress code at St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form. It is important that you, as a St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form student take pride in yourself and in our school. 

The dress code is based on smart, business dress and Students will be provided with a lanyard which MUST be worn at all times


  • Smart, dress trousers / knee length skirt / dress (no tight ‘Body Con’ / Lycra / stretch type material)
  • Single colour V – Neck jumper or cardigan (optional), No slogan jumpers/sweatshirts.
  • Shirt / blouse
  • Smart shoes (Not trainers or plimsolls)
  • Jacket – of own choosing (no denim, leather or hoodies)
  • Subtle make-up may be worn 


  • A watch
  • A ring
  • One pair of stud earrings
  • No facial piercings


Extreme haircuts (tramlines, patterns, ‘V’ cuts, Steps or unnatural colours are not acceptable)

For formal occasions, at the request of the Headteacher:

White shirt

Black skirt / trousers

Post 16 St Columba tie – provided


All students are treated equally and fairly; if they breach any part of our uniform policy, then they will be offered an appropriate alternative provided by the school or be sent home to change. We will do this to ensure that all our pupils take pride in their appearance. We wish our students to demonstrate their commitment to their education at St Wilfrid’s by conforming and wearing the dress as prescribed in the policy.

If a student fails to adhere to this dress code then by the school or sent home in order to change their attire to something which is more appropriate, before returning to their studies.