Learning Agreement

Post 16 education is voluntary so it is important that you make a full commitment to achieving success on your chosen courses. This Learning Agreement is drawn up to give you the best opportunity for success.

Student Learning Agreement

All students agree to:

  • Display their ID card and lanyard at all times on site.
  • Respect the catholic ethos of the school.
  • Maintain a minimum of 97% attendance for the academic year (i.e 6 days of authorised absence only).
  • 100% attendance and punctuality to timetabled subject lessons, Independent study lessons, morning registration (8:40am), Personal Development Time, Core RE, Enrichment, Masses and Assemblies.
  • Complete all Independent Study tasks, homework and coursework set by staff and hand them in to meet deadlines issued by staff.
  • Inform and seek advice from your subject teacher, tutor, Head of Year or Head of Sixth Form if you are having difficulties with any aspect of your studies.
  • Accept a shared responsibility with others in the Sixth Form for good conduct in school and for careful upkeep of Sixth Form areas.
  • Adopt a sensible, mature attitude in relationships with staff.
  • Accept a general responsibility for giving leadership and example to younger pupils and fellow students.
  • Wear the Sixth Form Dress Code appropriately.
  • Limit part-time work to 10 hours per week
  • To not take holidays during term-time; this includes festivals. Holidays will not be authorised in term-time unless under exceptional circumstances agreed by the Head Teacher in advance.
  • Abide by all school regulations.
  • Follow signing in/out procedures in line with Health and Safety Regulations to safeguard yourself, fellow students and pupils in the school.
  • Abide by the driving and parking restrictions on site and in the local area. Students are not permitted to park on site.
  • A pass must be achieved in all courses in Year 12 in order to progress to Year 13.

School Agreement

The school agrees to:

  • Provide teaching and homework for all subjects throughout the academic year.
  • Provide you with a tutor who will meet with you to discuss your academic and personal progress in the Sixth Form.
  • Provide you with Modular Assessment Data so you can monitor your progress.
  • Provide Parental Reports on academic progress in the Sixth Form.
  • Provide information and advice on Post-18 Options; Employment, Further and Higher Education including UCAS and careers information.
  • Provide enrichment opportunities for extra-curricular involvement.
  • Safeguard all pupils and students.

Sixth Form Privileges

These Privileges are only available to Sixth Form students as long as they adhere to this Learning Agreement:

  • Sixth Form Area – Students may use this area socialising or work during non-contact lessons. You may use mobile phones in this area.
  • Lunchtime – Sixth Formers may sign out and leave the school during lunchtimes.
  • Laptops – Students have ICT access
  • Saints’ Cafe and The Street may be used may be used for quiet work or discussion during non-contact lessons.
  • Sign out to study at home for afternoons that have no timetabled lessons.

Unacceptable Conduct

  • Failing to abide by school rules.
  • Contravening the obligations of the Student Agreement (above).
  • Leaving or Entering the school without signing out/in.
  • Smoking/Vaping on the school site.
  • Allowing visitors on site without staff permission.
  • Using mobile phones and headphones etc. in lessons, in the cafe or around the school site.
  • Acting irresponsibly in the Sixth Form area.
  • Bringing the reputation of the Sixth Form into disrepute.

As a Sixth Form student, I have made a clear choice to continue my education at school. This choice involves obligations from both me and the school. I agree to uphold these obligations.

Parents must notify the college of each day of absence by email admin@st-wilfrids.org or telephone on 0191 456 9121

Any absence not validated within five days will be deemed unauthorised and may have an impact on attendance, which is used for references.

Communication is mostly done electronically through email and text message and therefore we need to have up to date mobile numbers/email addresses for students and parents/carers. By signing this agreement, you give permission to be contacted using the details you provide.