Pastoral Support

At St. Wilfrid’s RC College, pastoral care is a cornerstone our school ethos, fostering a nurturing environment where pupils feel valued and supported.

We operate a house system, dividing pupils into six houses: Aidan, Bede, Cuthbert, Hilda, Margaret Clitherow, and St. Columba for the Sixth Form.

Each house is led by a dedicated Head of House responsible for overseeing pupils’ behaviour, progress, and overall well-being. Daily registration in mixed-ability tutor groups allows pupils to engage in a structured pastoral program, including activities such as ‘PREP’, reading sessions, well-being exercises, and weekly assemblies. This framework ensures that every pupil receives consistent guidance and support throughout their academic journey.

We encourage positive behavior through a House points system, with the top House winning a trophy each year. Working closely with families, we support pupils to thrive both in school and the community.

A key part of our pastoral structure is the Form Tutor, who plays a vital role in monitoring each pupil’s development and fostering a positive attitude towards learning, school engagement, and participation in extra-curricular activities. Our Tutors and Heads of House work closely with pupils to ensure they meet the high expectations we set for both academic and personal growth.