
The full 2024-25 Admissions Policy is available under the Policies page, but you may find the information below helpful.

To apply for a place at a secondary school in South Tyneside, please see guidance from the local authority on their website.

Consultation on Admissions Arrangements

All decisions concerning the admissions of pupils to Academies and administrative procedures are the responsibility of the Governing Body. However St. Wilfrid’s RC College admits pupils in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admissions scheme and Governors consult the Local Authority (LA) on an annual basis, concerning the arrangements for the admissions.

The Academy operates an equal preference system which means that all first, second and third preference applications are considered equally against the criteria below. Where there are more applications for places than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority.

First priority in each category will be given to children who will have an older sibling attending the school at the time of enrolment.

1. Looked after and previously looked after children
2. Catholic children who attend a feeder primary school
3. Other Catholic children
4. Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian Church
5. Children who attend a feeder primary school
6. Children of a member of school staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which application for admission to the school is made
7. Children of other Christian denominations
8. Children of other faiths
9. Any other children

If applicants are seeking admission under criteria 2, 3 or 4 above, for a child to be treated as Catholic, evidence of Catholic baptism or reception into the Church will be required. Those who have difficulty obtaining written evidence of baptism should contact their parish priest. Due to updated guidance, evidence of First Holy Communion is no longer sufficient to evidence being Catholic.

If applicants are seeking admission under criteria 7 or 8 above, applicants must provide a baptismal certificate or where child baptism is not practised, a letter confirming their church membership from their minister or faith leader.

As stated in the Admissions policy, if the parent is required to provide supplemental evidence to support the application (e.g. a baptismal certificate), this evidence should be provided at the time of application. If not provided, evidence may be sought by the governing body following the closing date for applications. This information must have been correct at the date of closing for applications.

The college must give priority to pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education and Health Care Plan which names the college.


Where there are places available for some, but not all applicants within a particular criterion, distance from home address to the school entrance will be the deciding factor.

Right of Appeal

Where a parent has been notified that a place is not available for a child, every effort will be made to help the parent to find a place in a suitable alternative school. Parents who are refused a place have a statutory right of appeal.

September 2024 appeals process

If it has not been possible to offer a place at the school, you have the right to appeal to an independent panel. You must request the appeal form directly from the school ( FAO Rachel Younger)

For September 2024 admissions, your appeal form should be completed and returned by no later than 1 April 2024. If it is received after this date, it may be heard after the other appeals.

For more information on the appeals process, please visit

Timetable for secondary school admissions.