Our mission is to ensure all students are given the opportunity to develop a strong foundation of business knowledge to help them progress to their next stage. We endeavour to equip students with the mindset, skills characteristics of an entrepreneur, to allow them to fulfil their God-given potential.
We pride ourselves that our curriculum is ambitious for all. All business lessons begin with an engaging starter. In year 10 our lessons begin by displaying the whole school starter slide. In other years, we use a variety of strategies including ‘The Big Question’; and ensuring we routinely incorporate interleaved learning within our starter activities. Business lessons are engaging and adaptive to the needs of the students. Adaptive teaching is a response to many sources of intelligence, including; prior key stage data, summative assessment data, periods of absence, on going in lesson assessment (i.e. key tasks, lesson activities), questioning (individual and group), SEND plans, informal pupil knowledge (i.e. SGP between colleagues), recall activities and teacher observations. Key vocabulary is highlighted in resources and discussed within lessons, including where appropriate. There are opportunities for self, peer and teacher assessment throughout students work. Our lessons end with a suitable ‘plenary’; which may be summary activities, recall activities or discussions. Homework is set in line with school policy.
Evidence of adaptive teaching can be found in the annotations of our Sol student books (i.e. alternative examples, additional scaffolding), lesson episodes and teacher feedback. Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction are evident in Business lessons, with the specific use of modelling and structure support sheets commonly being used in business lessons.
The business department engage students in real life business scenarios, where students need to solve complex business problems and present solutions in a business style manner. Students are expected to use key business terminology during class discussions and writing work. We encourage students to attend working lunch sessions which gives them the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and allows them to build upon what they’ve been taught in class. All of our lessons have support as well as stretch and challenge opportunities which allows the students to achieve their God-given potential.
Curriculum Vision – Business Studies
Knowledge Organisers:
Year 10:
Year 11: